Tax season can be stressful, but it becomes even more challenging when scammers try to take advantage of unsuspecting people.
More time for Beneficial Ownership Information reporting
Zinner & Co. Tax Team Taxes - Corporate & Business , IRSIn late October, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) announced that certain victims of Hurricane Milton will receive an additional six months to submit Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reports.
Employee Versus Independent Contractor
Zinner & Co. Tax Team Employee or Independent Contractor , Business - Management, Issues & Concerns , IRS , Treasury DepartmentDOL Final Rules on Independent Contractor Classification
On Jan. 1, new rules targeting the origin of electric vehicle battery materials from countries considered hostile to the U.S. went into effect and limited the number of EVs eligible to receive U.S. tax credits.
IRS ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program requires 80 percent payback
Zinner & Co. Tax Team penalties , Business - Management, Issues & Concerns , IRS , Zinner & Co. , ERC , Employee Retention CreditIn late December, the Internal Revenue Service launched a new Voluntary Disclosure Program to help businesses who want to pay back the money they received after filing Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims in error.
IRS increases 2024 contribution limits for 401(k) and IRAs
Zinner & Co. Tax Team Taxes - Planning, Rules and Returns , Taxes - Individual , Retirement Planning & IRAs , IRS , 401kOn Wednesday, the Internal Revenue Service announced it will increase the amount individuals can contribute to their 401(k) plans in 2024.
IRS places a moratorium on Employee Retention Credit claims
Zinner & Co. Tax Team IRS , ERC , Employee Retention CreditDOJ to pursue fraud from aggressive marketing while IRS will add safeguards to prevent future abuse and protect businesses from predatory tactics
On Sept. 14, the Internal Revenue Service announced an immediate moratorium through at least the end of the year on processing new Employee Retention Credit claims, following reports of a flood of improper claims for the pandemic-era relief program.
New changes abound for IRS in 2023, but one problem remains – backlogs
Zinner & Co. Taxes - Corporate & Business , Taxes - Planning, Rules and Returns , Taxes - Individual , taxes , IRS , Zinner News , Zinner & Co.A new year ushers in many changes for the Internal Revenue Service, but one massive problem will not go away – backlogs.
While the IRS still must deal with a backlog of mail and a backed-up phone system that leaves taxpayers and practitioners on hold and frequently drops the call, changes are in the works. Among them are a potential new commissioner (Danny Werfel was nominated for the role in November 2022) and an increased budget that will give the IRS billions of dollars to spend, although it has less than two months left to develop a spending plan.
On Dec. 29, the Internal Revenue Service issued the 2023 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes.
IRS announces penalty relief for certain 2019 and 2020 returns
Zinner & Co. Tax Team tax services , Taxes - Corporate & Business , Taxes - Planning, Rules and Returns , Taxes - Individual , IRS , tax avoidance$1.2 billion in penalties will be refunded to 1.6 million taxpayers
In late August, the Internal Revenue Service announced on its website that it had issued Notice 2022-36, which will provide penalty relief to most taxpayers who filed certain 2019 or 2020 tax returns late.
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Since 1938, Zinner has counseled individuals and businesses from start-up to succession. At Zinner, we strive to ensure we understand your business and recognize threats that could impact your financial situation.
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