Approximately 125 billion business-to-business emails are sent every day. Roughly 111 billion personal emails are sent each day. If you want your marketing emails to rise to the top in a sea full of 236 billion daily emails, you need to stand out.
10 Tips to Improve Your Small Business or Not-for-Profit Website
Zinner & Co. non-profits , not-for-profit , fundraising , SMBYour organization’s website can be one of your greatest assets or a HUGE liability. It’s largely a factor of how much effort you put into building and maintaining it.
Your website should be like a round-the-clock salesperson or fundraiser, but only if you follow best practices and put time and attention into developing and maintaining it.
5 Reasons Your Non-Profit Organization Should Have a Crisis Communication Plan
Zinner & Co. Non-Profit Team non-profits , not-for-profit , Community , fundraisingA public relations disaster can bring any organization to it’s knees, and nowhere is this more true than not-for-profits. A critical component of surviving negative attention is responding to it in a thoughtful and timely way. One of the best ways to achieve this is to have a fully-developed crisis communication plan.
6 Quick Tips to Help You Promote Your Non-Profit Organization
Zinner & Co. Non-Profit Team non-profits , not-for-profit , Community , fundraisingOne of the hardest things about running a non-profit is getting the word out to prospective donors and constituencies about your mission and why donors should support your fundraising efforts. With many causes competing for prospective donors’ time and attention, it can be difficult to get and keep their interest.
Fundraising in a “New Age” Part 2
Zinner & Co. Non-Profit Team non-profits , not-for-profit , Community , fundraising Part 2 of a 2 Part Series - Read Part 1 Here
In the first part of this blog series, we looked at some of the reasons for changes in charitable giving trends. In this part, we’ll look at how non-profits should approach fundraising.
Fundraising in a New Age (Part 1)
Zinner & Co. Non-Profit Team non-profits , not-for-profit , Community , fundraisingFor not-for-profit organizations, fundraising is a way of life. It is vital part of fulfilling their mission and serving their constituency. Over the past few years, fundraising has changed appreciably and non-profits have been forced to find new/better/smarter ways of doing things.
In honor of Purple Day, the partners and staff of Zinner & Co. donned their purple gear to help raise awareness of epilepsy.
Board Member's Fiduciary and Governance Responsibilities - Board Members' Series (Part 5)
Chris Valponi, CPA Audit and Assurance Department , non-profits , internal control , fundraisingPart 5 of a 5 Part Series
Can board members be held personally liable for actions of the organization? Yes!
Agreeing to sit on a board for a nonprofit is a great way to donate your time and expertise. However, it comes with a great deal of responsibility.
The 1 Thing You Should do RIGHT NOW to Improve Your Non-Profit’s Event Sponsorships in 2019
Zinner & Co. Non-Profit Team non-profits , fundraisingOne of the most difficult aspects of managing a Non-Profit is putting on successful fundraising events. Most fundraisers take months to plan and trying to get sponsors is always a last-minute scramble.
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Since 1938, Zinner has counseled individuals and businesses from start-up to succession. At Zinner, we strive to ensure we understand your business and recognize threats that could impact your financial situation.
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