
Blog & Newsroom

Earlier in the year, we shared a list of business-related books we enjoyed reading and in which we found great value. It was very well received, so we thought we’d share more of our favorites.

The IRS recently announced a 6 year plan to update and modernize its information technology systems and infrastructure. The move will bring much needed resources to an agency beleaguered by nearly a decade of consecutive budget cuts. 

One of the hardest things about running a non-profit is getting the word out to prospective donors and constituencies about your mission and why donors should support your fundraising efforts.  With many causes competing for prospective donors’ time and attention, it can be difficult to get and keep their interest.

Zinner & Co. is pleased and proud to support our friends and clients at The Gathering Place as they celebrate 20 years of service to our community.

 Part 2 of a 2 Part Series - Read Part 1 Here

In the first part of this blog series, we looked at some of the reasons for changes in charitable giving trends. In this part, we’ll look at how non-profits should approach fundraising.

For not-for-profit organizations, fundraising is a way of life. It is vital part of fulfilling their mission and serving their constituency. Over the past few years, fundraising has changed appreciably and non-profits have been forced to find new/better/smarter ways of doing things.

Every year around this time, the IRS issues a warning about scams that attempt to victimize taxpayers and steal from them. More often than not, the victims of these crimes are senior citizens. The scams have varying levels of sophistication. From simple - such as calling on the phone and posing as an IRS agent - to sophisticated phishing scams that attempt to get taxpayers to reveal information that can be used to hack key user accounts.

If you’re on a Board of Directors, serve as an Officer or are on the executive team of a company or board of directors, there is a type of insurance you need to know about – Directors and Officers Insurance (known as D&O Insurance.)

As the responsible party on employer identification number (EIN) applications, effective May 13, 2019, the IRS will only accept EIN applications from individual taxpayers who have either a Social Security number or individual taxpayer identification number.

If you manage a not-for-profit, you know you’re always trying to do more with less. You keep a tight budget and splurging on luxuries is out of the question. When it comes to software, there are a lot of great solutions that are free (or deeply discounted) for nonprofits.