On Dec. 3, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas suspended the nationwide implementation of the Corporate Transparency Act’s (CTA) Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting requirements.
Posts By: Zinner & Co. Tax Department
Change In Federal Law To Affect Military Member Tax Residency
Zinner & Co. Tax Department Taxes - Planning, Rules and Returns , Taxes - IndividualA change to the Veterans Auto and Education Improvement Act of 2022 will affect military members and their spouses by giving them options to claim residency for tax purposes.
Expect The IRS To Struggle During The 2021 Tax Season
Zinner & Co. Tax Department Taxes - Planning, Rules and Returns , Taxes - Individual , tax , taxes , income tax , filing , IRSCPAs and taxpayers urged to contact elected officials and push for passage of H.R. 5155
Based on multiple media reports, the U.S. Treasury and IRS are preparing for the worst this filing season.
According to a Jan. 10 Washington Post article, the Treasury warned of enormous challenges this tax filing season that will likely delay refunds.
Treasury Department officials told reporters they predict a “frustrating season” for taxpayers and tax preparers due to delays caused by the pandemic, years of budget cuts to the IRS, and federal stimulus measures that have added to the tax agency’s workload.
IRS Deferring Tax Payments by 90 Days
Zinner & Co. Tax Department tax services , Taxes - Corporate & Business , Taxes - Planning, Rules and Returns , Taxes - Individual , tax , taxes , IRS , Coronavirus , Treasury Department , Steven Mnuchin , COVID-19 , Deferring Tax PaymentsTax Deadline Remains April 15
While taxpayers still have to file their taxes by April 15, 2020, the deadline to pay taxes has been extended by 90 days until July 15, 2020.
During a March 17th press conference regarding the coronavirus pandemic, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced taxpayers will have an additional 90-days through July 15, 2020 to pay their taxes, penalty-free and interest-free.
He said individual taxpayers can defer up to $1 million of tax payments and corporations up to $10 million in tax payments.
IRS Announces New Contribution Limits for FSAs
Zinner & Co. Tax Department medical , FSA , income taxThe IRS has announced that the contribution limits for Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) contribution limits have been increased to $2750 for the plan year beginning 2020.
Changes to Ohio’s Business Income Deduction Still Undecided
Zinner & Co. Tax Department income tax , business income deductionOhio's state constitution requires that the state's biennial budget be approved by June 30. That deadline has come and gone and Ohio's Legislature has not yet passed a budget. The house and senate both approved a measure that extends state funding at current levels for 17 days while lawmakers try to compromise on the 3,000+-page budget bill.
6 Important Things to Know About Divorce and Taxes
Zinner & Co. Tax Department divorce , Taxes - Individual , Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017The sad reality is more than 50% of marriages end in divorce. The median duration of a marriage in the United States is 11 years. Divorce is a reality and there are some important things you need to know from a financial and tax perspective.
What Types of Services are Subject to Sales Tax?
Zinner & Co. Tax Department Taxes - Individual , SALTHistorically, in the U.S., only goods were subject to sales tax. But as the economy has shifted from a production to a service-based economy (beginning in the 1950s), some services became subject to sales tax.
Additional guidance issued relating to Section 199A pass-through deduction
Zinner & Co. Tax Department Taxes - Corporate & Business , Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017Recently, proposed regulations were issued to provide some clarity concerning the new Section 199A deduction.
As part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which became effective as of the beginning of this year, this new deduction generally provides a 20 percent deduction for a pass-through businesses (primarily partnerships and LLCs taxed as partnerships, S Corporations, Sole Proprietorships and single member LLCs) that generate Qualified Business Income (QBI). This deduction is taken at the individual level and is allowable after one takes the greater of their itemized deductions or the standard deduction.
QBI does not include wages earned by an employee, guaranteed payments paid to a partner or reasonable compensation paid to an S Corporation shareholder.
Kass completes term as President of the Cleveland/Akron Chapter of the Society of Financial Service Professionals
Zinner & Co. Tax Department leadership , Howard KassIn June, Zinner & Co. Partner Howard J. Kass, CPA, AEP®, CGMA, finished his one-year term as president of the Cleveland/Akron Chapter of the Society of Financial Service Professionals (CAFSP).
A CAFSP member since 2010, Kass was thankful for the support he received from the organization’s officers and board members during his term.
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Since 1938, Zinner has counseled individuals and businesses from start-up to succession. At Zinner, we strive to ensure we understand your business and recognize threats that could impact your financial situation.
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